CAR Sunday 2020: Transforming the Colonial Face of Global Mission

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Central African Republic (L’Église Évangélique Luthérienne de la République Centrafricaine) is one of our two global companion synods, here in the Gulf Coast Synod. (The other is Peru.) Many of our congregations are setting aside October 18, 2020 to celebrate the ministries of this companion synod and pray for them. If you’re in another synod and reading this, consider using this Sunday to lift up your synod’s global companion!

You can observe this day in several ways:

  1. Pray for peace and stability in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Central African Republic in your prayers of the church on Sunday. Click HERE for prayers.
  2. Invite a member of our synod’s CAR Team to speak. Contact CAR Team Chair Carolyn Jacobs for more information at 
  3. Take an offering to support the church (for the Gallo Health Clinic, for church roofs, for education and more…).
  4. Include the church in your sermon. (See sermon thoughts below.) and here are last year’s 2019 CAR Sunday sermon thoughts.
  5. Commit to be an annual partner with the church in the CAR. Check out the card below.
  6. Use this BULLETIN INSERT.
  7. Show this 3-minute VIDEO.