Dear friends and colleagues in the Gulf Coast Synod,
Life in our companion synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Central African Republic has been a challenge for many years. Currently, only one in ten homes have access to the internet and only one in seven have electricity.
This year for #GivingTuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, we are raising funds for our friends in the CAR. Our goal is $3,500 to help people with food, health care, education, and humanitarian assistance. The Lutheran Church of CAR operates village schools in locations where there are no government schools. They have clinics that provide maternity and wound care, training in hygiene, and treatment for common diseases. The church distributes food, sleeping mats, and other items to the many internally displaced refugees,who flee rebel movements in the country. The funds will support these programs that serve all people in need.
We need your help. Will you:
- Include this bulletin insert in your bulletin?
- Promote #GivingTuesday in your electronic communications?
- Forward the CAR #GivingTuesday posts, tweets, and videos?
- Take a freewill or Thanksgiving offering for #GivingTuesday?
Donations can be made online, or by check to the Gulf Coast Synod, 7822 Northline Drive, Houston, TX 77037. Thank you for your generosity to our sister churches!
Bishop Mike