Into the WildDuring the season of Lent we focus on faith practices that help us to understand how to respond to God’s acts of love and sacrifice for the sake of the world. “Into the Wild: A Lenten Liturgy and Intergenerational Study on Hunger” is a five-part program follows the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness and explores what it means to live out our baptismal faith in a world filled with hunger, suffering, and hope. For five weeks, gather together for worship and reflection around themes of baptism, hunger, power, faith, and the good news Jesus proclaims to the poor.

Each session is divided into small- and large-group settings and can be adapted to fit your congregation’s educational forums, workshops and mid-week gatherings. The program also includes a conversation guide for families called “40 Days of Wonderings” to use at home during the Lenten season and liturgies for each week.

This is designed to be intergenerational so expect to have people of all ages and family types to come to worship and learn together. Each week will feature a different learning experience, helping us better understand our role as God’s people in the world.