Fair Trade Leader Guide.inddAre you considering starting a fair trade ministry within your congregation? Starting a fair trade ministry in your congregation is a great way to get your members involved in global ministry, and for them to use their consumer dollars in ways that improve lives.

If your congregation is thinking about starting a fair trade ministry, Lutheran World Relief (LWR) has a great, free resource for your congregation called the Fair Trade Leader Guide.

This beautiful booklet takes you inside the process of setting up your congregation’s fair trade ministry and includes:

  • Guidance on how to set up a fair trade ministry unique to your congregation’s needs
  • A year-long calendar of events you can use to plan out your annual fair trade activities
  • Stories of the people and communities your congregation reaches through fair trade
  • Special prayers to use throughout your program year

We pray it will make the experience of planning and carrying out a fair trade ministry even more enjoyable and meaningful!


Email LWR should you have additional questions.