Contact Pastor Ele Clay:
By Lisa Brenskelle
For more information on any of the below, or for creation care assistance/information, contact Lisa Brenskelle at or see our new website! The team is seeking additional members. If you would be willing to serve, please contact us.
The mission of Lutherans Restoring Creation is to promote incorporation of care for creation into the full life and mission of the church, working in five areas: worship, education, discipleship, building & grounds, and public ministry/advocacy. For some timely information in these areas, see below:
Check out this Worship & Creation Guidebook. Use this resource to care for creation throughout the liturgical year. Consider the connection between God and creation in Advent. A new creation-focused prayer is posted each week. Creation-focused commentaries on the lectionary are available from a Lutheran source.
JustFaith has several ecojustice courses. Check out the educational and other resources for youth in Engage & Support Youth. For kids, consider the bilingual devotional Did God Create the Universe?. The Week is a unique and compelling approach to climate change education & action. Use the Truth, Healing & Repair resource to reflect deeply on the Church’s role in colonization and environmental harm.
Share these “Bulletin blurb” eco-tips (+ verses & quotes) with your congregation. Consider how you can have sustainable holidays. Here are individual actions we can all take to transform food systems. Realize that the most important climate solution is you. Use the online And It Is Good photo exhibition as a devotional tool.
Get inspired by these articles: Northeast Church Installs Over 400 Solar Panels Above Its Parking Lot and As temperatures rise, new resilience center takes shape in Atlanta. Thinking about rooftop solar? 4 things to consider and how to protect yourself for unscrupulous installers. Get recommendations on pre-vetted solar installers at Energy Sage. Use Texas Native Seed Mix for lawn.
The weekly-updated Opportunities to Care for, Learn About, and Enjoy Nature features volunteer events in the greater Houston area. Gear up now with Texas Impact for the Texas legislative session that starts in January. Check out these Faith in Democracy resources to get ready to advocate. Beyond voting, here’s how to take citizen action for the climate. A new eco-justice advocacy opportunity is posted on the synod team’s website each week.