Four contemplative prayer liturgies designed to be used with prayer beads and accompanying coloring pages for use during Advent. Each of the two-page liturgies, written by Lynn Willis, include:
- Invocation
- Confession
- Scripture Readings
- Prayer
- Time of Silence
- Blessing
For use by individuals, congregations or small groups during Advent, each is illustrated with original art by Vonda Drees. The images are available in a variety of styles allowing you to customize them for your personal use or for your congregation.
The Advent resources are free, but you must first register to access them.
Resources and Ideas for Using Them
Explore prayer beads and coloring as spiritual practices.
How to Use
- As part of Sunday worship during Advent
- For special mid-week Advent services
- Worshipers can be invited to pray with their prayer beads and/or color the black and white images during a period of quiet reflection
- As personal devotions during Advent
- Daily prayer with the beads
- Coloring the black and white versions provides time to reflect on the messages
Advent resources for your home and congregation