Contact Pastor Ele Clay:
Vocational choices in the ELCA are many. We have pastors, but we also have accountants, chaplains, youth workers, musicians, nurses, office managers, counselors, caregivers, and more.
Do you have a sense of wonder?
Aware, caring, courageous people are needed to lead the church in the 21st century. We need passionate, joy-filled, and adventurous people who want to bring healing and hope to others in this broken world.
Give voice to your call.
Talk to your pastor, youth director, music minister, or another church leader about your own call as a baptized child of God. The church is calling for leaders. If God is nudging you forward, contact your synod office.
Gifts of Ministry
All of God’s people have gifts for ministry — the work of the faithful. The question to consider is “Which gifts do I have, and how will I use them?” The following gifts seem to be especially important for our rostered leaders:
The ELCA has many needs to fill as we carry out our mission to share the Gospel.