Earth DayCelebrate Earth Day with your Congregation!

Our tradition offers many glimpses of hope triumphant over despair… When Martin Luther was asked what he would do if the world were to end tomorrow, he reportedly answered, I would plant an apple tree today. When we face todays crisis, we do not despair. We act.
– ELCA Social Statement: Caring for Creation: Vision. Hope. and Justice

Celebrate Earth Day Sunday a day that many ELCA congregations and communities throughout the U.S. celebrate the gift of God’s Creation. Learn how you can make action and advocacy a part of your congregation’s Earth Day celebration.

Join the ELCA Advocacy network in advocating for our leaders to address climate change.

  • Support communities that are facing the greatest threats due to climate change! Write a message to your members of Congress.

Make prayer and service part of your celebrations with Lutherans Restoring Creation’s Earth Day activities.

  • Host a tree planting. Across the country, Lutherans are working together to plant 500 trees in their synods as part of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. Join this effort and get started within your synod. Eco-Reformation has materials for worship, lectionary resources, and adult forum ideas.
  • Start a compost pile with all those coffee grounds. Consider those little neighbors we cannot see who are essential to our food production and the air we breathe.
  • Offer a “Care for Creation Sunday Service”. Imagine what activities could get all hands connected to the earth.

Caring for all of God’s Creation with Resources from Creation Justice Ministries:

CJM Graphic Earth Day