Congregational Annual Report
Research and evaluation help bring insight, facts, and understanding to congregations, synods, members and partner organizations throughout the Lutheran community.
Congregation Trend Report
Research and Evaluation compiles trend reports for all ELCA congregations. This information provides insights about a congregation which can be especially helpful during planning or the call process. For example, you can find a congregation trend report by looking up the congregation’s name on the ELCA’s map.
To fill out your congregation’s annual report (Forms A and C), please log in here. If you do not know your congregation ID or password, please email or call us.
Demographic Reports
Demographic reports by ZIP Code allow ELCA congregations to gain a general understanding of their surrounding communities.
ELCA Synod Statistics
Find your synod reports related to membership, giving, population and demographic changes by connecting to our resources page.
How to fill out your congregational report video:
As it is, there are many parts, but only one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you.”
~ 1 Corinthians 12:20-22a