Synod Council Vice President Candidate

Skills, Abilities, and Gifts

The following skills, abilities, and/or gifts are required for a person to effectively serve as Vice President on the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod Council:

  • Leadership, including the ability to cast a vision and hold accountable those working to make the vision a reality
  • Openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit
  • Comfort serving as chair, on a governance based Council
  • Willingness to work with the other council members to achieve the synod’s vision for its ministry
  • Prior active service in your congregation, and/or at the synod level
  • Ability and willingness to attend and participate in the meetings of the Synod Council (four meetings per year) and the Synod Assembly
  • Ability to use critical evaluation skills to evaluate the outcomes of the synod’s ministry
  • Ability and willingness to pray regularly for the ministry and congregations of the synod
  • Voting member of a congregation of the synod

Synod Constitution

S8.20. Vice President

†S8.21. The vice president shall be elected by the Synod Assembly. The vice president shall be a layperson. The vice president shall be a voting member of a congregation of this synod. The vice president shall not receive a salary for the performance of the duties of the office.

S8.21.01. The vice president shall be a voting member of the ELCA Churchwide Assembly.

S8.22. The vice president shall chair the Synod Council.

S8.23. In the event of the death, resignation, or disability of the bishop, the vice president, after consultation with the presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, shall convene the Synod Council to arrange for the conduct of the duties of the bishop until a new bishop shall be elected or, in the case of temporary disability, until the bishop resumes full performance of the duties of the office.

Deadline for submission is April 15

Please Note: This nomination is a nomination to the Nominating Committee (not the Synod Assembly). According to our constitution and bylaws, the Nominating Committee is responsible for preparing a slate of “at least one qualified candidate for each position available” which will be presented to the Synod Assembly. “Qualification will be based on a comparison of stated required or preferred skills, abilities, gifts, and experience with those possessed by the candidate(s).” (Both quotations are taken from section S9.03.A03 of the synod constitution). Qualifications for each position are listed on the candidate form for each position. Submitting this nomination form is very much appreciated by the Nominating Committee but does not guarantee a position on the slate presented by the Nominating Committee. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of the Synod Assembly.

As it is, there are many parts, but only one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you.”

~ 1 Corinthians 12:20-22a